On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 4:34 PM, I received an e-mail from, Electronic Arts. The subject read, "Beta Code Inside - Start Playing Now!" excitedly I opened the e-mail, and there it was. My very own Redemption Code for "Medal of Honor" so I went to medalofhonor.com/beta to redeem my code, get my beta code. Then I signed in to Xbox Live Redeemed my Beta Code and downloaded the beta. More after the Jump!
*One hour later.*
The download is complete and I boot up the game and get ready to Represent DoV and shoot some dudes. Well it all felt way to familure the control scheme is oddly similar to something I had played recently. Therefore, I played for a few minutes and realized it was the same control scheme as Battlefield Bad Company 2. Now normally I welcome a familure control setting. However, this game was excessively much like Battlefield. Medal of Honor: Beta is a great multiplayer experience. However if you want the best multiplayer experience, I suggest sticking with Bad Company 2. – At least for now.
I liked the latest MoH, but im quite worried that DICE is in control of the multiplayer. We all know they make bad netcode (battlefield series), but hopefully they can deliver :)