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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Direction / Advertisments.

Hello readers! Reading the new blog post you might have noticed some of the changes been happening to "Kevin's Blog" Such as the: Share on Myspace, or the Facebook, "Like" All of these features have been added because I am going a different direction with my blogs, We are going to Review: Video Games & Movies. We are going to discuss current events. We may in the future even give away prizes!

The advertisements are NOT there to annoy you. These are here to help fund our hopes of making this blog fun! But they do require clicking, Please click on our advertisements and look at them for a few moments
to help! Clicking will eventually help YOU the reader, win some cool prizes. Thanks for you support!

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Today I have noticed allot of my friends are either engaged or married. Why is this? It does not make much sense to me. Marriage is great and all but allot of my friends are regretting their choice to get married. I do not know what to think. Right now In my life If I had to I think I could manage but it's not really on my priority list. Though love is, I am very much in love with the girl of my dreams, I'm sorry I believe in love at first touch. That's right I said touch. Love at first sight is silly because the eyes can lie. But a touch is revealing. For the first time in my life everything feels right, this is a whole new experience for me. I once thought I knew all there was to know about dating, but I learned fast that non of what I thought I knew was true. Though It seems I was right all along in what I thought was right, I was just a little misguided and it took me a few relationships and a few mistakes to get to where I am at today. My current girlfriend, she seems to be happy with me. We haven't been going out all that long but it is love, with a chance to be True Love. Only time will tell that, however in the meantime we have allot yet to overcome together as a couple. For one, she lives in a city up from mine. So we cannot see each other as much as we would like. Now I'm not going to say that's killin' it for us, but let's just say it's not helpin, I look at it as a test. A test that I am ready to be over. I am looking forward to our next outing together which is going to be very soon, it seems I am taking her to see the new Twilight: Eclipse, movie, which is exciting. To see her happy is a thrill, maybe we won't sit so close this time. NO FRONT ROW PLEASE. In closing this is just a quick update on some thoughts and relationship progression. Goodnight...